Monday, August 2, 2010

Shuffle. Repeat.

Time is a funny thing. Time heals. Time kills. Time steals. It always seems to fly by when you wish it wouldn't and it has a funny way of dragging on when you wish it would fly by. One's mind will be wracked with confusion and questions and then, given some time, some of those questions are answered and others are lost in the shuffle. I think "Time" and "the Shuffle" are partners in crime. So much tends to go on/move on, while one feels firmly planted, sometimes against their will wishing they were experiencing more than they are at that current moment in time.

I feel I need to start doing more. Thats pretty much the bottom line. I think I may start trying to do interviews and posting them up on here. I always like reading and watching interviews of people, especially people that have depth to what they do.