Monday, August 2, 2010

Shuffle. Repeat.

Time is a funny thing. Time heals. Time kills. Time steals. It always seems to fly by when you wish it wouldn't and it has a funny way of dragging on when you wish it would fly by. One's mind will be wracked with confusion and questions and then, given some time, some of those questions are answered and others are lost in the shuffle. I think "Time" and "the Shuffle" are partners in crime. So much tends to go on/move on, while one feels firmly planted, sometimes against their will wishing they were experiencing more than they are at that current moment in time.

I feel I need to start doing more. Thats pretty much the bottom line. I think I may start trying to do interviews and posting them up on here. I always like reading and watching interviews of people, especially people that have depth to what they do.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Soul, what's soul?

This summer has not been an extreme change from the norm. Had plans to save money, go travel to a few places and still work obviously. Unfortunately, I worked, saved money, had to spend money on car related problems, and then hanging out occurred. Unfortunately, the hanging out occurred in the same city limits that I usually spend time in. The one trip i did get to make so far was to LA a few weeks ago. The highlight was spending time in a house that sat at the top of the Hollywood hills. Yeah, i didn't think I would end up at a place like that ever either.
We woke up, jumped in the pool and then a few hours later came a small army of soulless folk. Now, I say soulless folk and it comes off as judgemental, but if you were around these people it would be hitting a home run pretty much. No one there really knows a person directly at the house, but everyone knows a guy who knows this who knows this girl who's roommate's friend fucked this guy and heard about the party from this person and on and on. If their mother's womb could take sperm from a family's trust fund directly, then you would get these people the same as if some rich turd hooked up with a blood sucker. Most seemed to come off as cocky, clueless, and never really understanding reality.Now,I come from a working middle class family,so i had a pretty good upbringing,especially compared to some of my other friends. But I was taught the value of hard work and to be thankful for what you are given, which I am. That's a reality to me. But who needs reality when there is coke, booze, and a hansom fixed income for life?
I'll give them the benefit of the doubt though, I'm sure one of the many family members they are sucking off of actually experienced hard work to get to where they were. I felt at home though that myself and a small group of real people formed our own cynical group at the dark end of the pool. No one came near us without getting a ball busting and pretty much turning around to go back to the "circle of douche". In conclusion, that neck of the woods is a place I do not see myself living in. Its good for laughs and hanging out with a few choice people, but I couldn't make it home i don't think. Luckily for me, I don't have millions or don't make a ton of money in general, so i don't have to worry about it..

Sunday, July 25, 2010

If you don't know, now you know.

I started this blog awhile back. Nothing really was added to it but a few ramblings, like a disgruntled old curmudgeon( or a 22 year old trapped in an old man's body). Probably more of the same will occur. Repetition is human. Sarcasm is golden. Both a gift and a curse, for better or worse. My life in a nutshell.