Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The little things in life....

I often hear or read things that make me laugh. They may seem ridiculous to most and often times they are pretty ridiculous, but none the less I find them worthy of remembering. Thanks to the technology of the cell phone I am able to type down some of these very things when an old fashioned pen and pad are not handy.I often remember said quotes and such and start laughing even though I am walking by myself in a public place, thus probably looking like a lunatic to those passing by.

"Wabbles, thats the way fat chicks run".(A direct quote).

"I've never known a woman to swallow and get pregnant until I met your mother".(Liquor was involved in this quote).

"Republicans vote voldermort,"(bumper sticker).

"Mean people suck. Nice people swallow,"(bumper sticker).

"2 dicks. 2 clits. whats up?",( a quote from a certain Ronan).

"You come in looking for a job, but you're wearing shorts and jap flaps? give me a break"( a non pc direct quote.If you find it offensive,I dont blame you).

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