I've got enough complaints, and to many they are about the most mundane things. Perhaps they are right, but the funny thing about the world wide web and the first amendment that we sometimes get away with using is that I can say whatever I please.
Here are some pet peeves of mine, maybe you can relate...
1. People who will get involved in a conversation of sorts, especially via text, with you and then take forever to respond( if they ever do).
Maybe a text or two or so will be shot back and forth but then it suddenly seems like they forgot how to put their phalanges to the buttons. The funny thing is, and this is where the pet peeve comes in, is that they all of a sudden had plenty of time or figured out how to use said phalanges to post on various social networking sites but couldn't respond to a question or finish a convo. Very interesting and quite annoying..
2. Drunks who feel the need to let you know how drunk they are.
They stumble and fall. Stumble and fall. Rant and rave a bit too loud tossing proper annunciation to the wind and yet still let you know how drunk they are. You know what this reminds me of? The stereotypical high school girl who got drunk off 2 zimas and a mikes hard lemonade and ended up being the rails for a train that was ran by the entire football team or the guys who wish they were "The Situation".
3. CHP.
I'm convinced that their only job is to ruin your day. Add parking enforcement to this one too. Notice that they only write tickets and it seems the sunnier and more beautiful it is outside the more likely these civil servants are there to shit on your sunshine or at least attempt to take a squat.
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