Saturday, September 17, 2011

A trip down memory lane.

Whenever I see or hear certain things they at times jolt my memory and take me back to where I was when I first came across whatever it may be. Music is one of those things. In my boredom I decided to compile some of those bands,songs,etc.

Freshmen year of high school was something. Dorky, pegged pants, punker vest with patches and spikes/studs are some key descriptions for a 14 year old me. During this time I made friends with some people in my english class who were pretty into metal. We had a small corner in the back of the class, always.Before the ipod, we had this thing called a compact disc player. wild, right? You will probably find them on Antique Roadshow soon. Anyways, we would constantly be trading our cds with one another and that is how I came across this song. This band was one of those bands that me and the metal heads could agree on. We would spend class after class trading out different mix cds of their stuff. Also in our mix was Andrew Dice Clay bits and Slayer. Side note- I never read an entire book for class this year or most of high school and I never got less than a B in english. That is my version of bragging.

I'll keep this one short. I was 12 around the time I first heard this. That night I and a few friends ate a ton of junk food and lit a mini scarecrow on fire, acting as if the lighter fluid was our urine. Flash forward to present day;I still eat junk food and I still find pissing on scarecrows funny.

I was watching the movie Gross Point Blank a few years after it actually came out and this song popped on during the scene where Cusack's character was watching his former love play records as the town's local radio dj. Its funny how I can remember things like this and always forget where I put my keys. If you haven't seen this movie or heard the clash, you need to re-evaluate your life. Alright, I'm only half serious.

It was around 3rd grade when I first heard these guys, specifically this song. I was with my dad on a job site where I would sometimes do sweeping here and there or just stay out of his way pretty much. He would pay me 5 bucks and buy me lunch, so I was living the dream as an 8 year old. It was also around this time where I tried chewing tobacco for the first and last time. I bugged my uncle/dad's foreman so much about it that to teach me a lesson he gave me a bit and I immediately spat the shit out. Couldn't hack it with the dipping I guess.